
CLI tool for interacting with Trello and helping with household chores.

Primary LanguageGo


A Golang CLI tool for use at home to manage interactions with smart devices, integration with trello to do lists and tracking, reminders and more.

Feature - Food Shopping Trello Integration

To track our grocery shopping list, we use Trello - but to remind us to eat healthily, we also have a Slack reminder in our home workspace. It would be handy if we could respond in the channel/thread where this reminder appears, with dinner choices for the week, and a Slackbot autopopulated our shopping list based on those choices.

This slack bot should be able to:

  • Add a specific item to the shopping list.
  • Remove a specific item from the shopping list.
  • Given a recipe name, lookup recipe in backend storage service and populate shopping list based on ingredients listed there.
  • Print out the current contents of the shopping list.

Example Usage

There are some required Environment Variables:


Build the CLI

make build

To get more info on available commands:

./leto help

To get more info on a specific subcommand:

./leto trello help

To get a shopping list stored as a card, on a list on a Trello board:

./leto shopping list --user=<your-trello-user> --board=<trello-board-name> --name=<trello-list-name> --card=<trello-card-name>