
A puzzle game written in C++ with SDL.

Primary LanguageC


This is a simple puzzle game I made with SDL. You have to Push a box to a goal location but enemies might be getting in your way. You can click on them to make them go away but they will spawn again at a random spawn location! Also, moves you make will impact the end result so you might get into situations that you can't get out of so think things through.

Build Instructions

You will need the SDL libraries for C++ in order to compile the code. Once you get those libraries set up for your work environment then simply run:

cmake .

Video Demo


Cool features of this project

  • I have written a JSON Serialisation and Deserialisation library for C++ that was used for this porject. This exists under src/JsonLib
  • I also have implementations of shortest paths algorithms.
  • The code design is pretty neat with Domain logic abstracted away and config files used to store temporary data.


The code I have written mostly belongs in src/PushDaBox, src/MusicLib, src/JsonLib any other C++ code was provided by the University of Nottingham as this was a submission for a university project.