
Crash on launch

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Mode installated

Mod Name Mod Reference Version
FicsIt-Networks FicsItNetworks 0.3.11
Inventory Slots +150 InventorySpace3 1.0.1
KUI - UI Lib for Kyris mods KUI 1.6.0
Kyris Blueprint Function library KBFL 1.14.1
Kyris Decor Lib KDecoLib 2.1.1
Kyris Private Lib KPrivateCodeLib 1.5.1
MAM Enhancer MAMTips 1.0.2
Microwave Power MicrowavePower 0.7.0
Modular Load Balancers LoadBalancers 1.5.8
Modular UI ModularUI 2.0.10
PowerSuit PowerSuit 1.1.1
PowerSuit Modules ArmorModules 4.0.2
PSM: Flight ArmorModules_Flight 2.0.0
Refined Power RefinedPower 3.1.5
RefinedRDLib RefinedRDLib 1.0.12
Smart! SmartFoundations 20.0.558
Unified Grid UnifiedGrid 1.0.7
Unlock All Alternate Recipes UnlockAllAlternateRecipes 2.0.4

Launching the game and then this happen

i am using the stable version

If you are using the Early Access version of the game, install FicsIt-Networks 0.3.9 instead.

To do that, install FIN using SMM, then open the details for it and change the version to 0.3.9.

The newer versions only work on Experimental.

Thanks you a lot sir for your help have a good day