
Fully automated dev environment from CentOs/Debian/Ubuntu/Mint

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Vagrant Midgar

Vagrant Vagrant Cloud shields.io-release shields.io-repo-size shields.io-release-date shields.io-license

CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint environment provided with my usual tools.

Getting Started

This project build some virtualbox vms base on the roboxes project as base box. Vms are provisioned with ansible. Allowing to deploy all the tools I use for development.

The list of supported boxes:

The list of main tools currently deployed:

  • ansible
  • ansible-lint
  • audacity
  • beautysh
  • chromium
  • clamav
  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • firefox-esr
  • gimp
  • git
  • gita
  • gitlint
  • helm
  • httpie
  • jq
  • k9s
  • keepassxc
  • kubectx
  • minikube
  • molecule[docker]
  • nmap
  • ohmyzsh
  • openstacksdk
  • pipenv
  • pre-commit
  • remmina
  • stern
  • tmux
  • yamllint
  • youtube-dl



Simply initialize and run the box.

vagrant init pandemonium/midgar-deb
vagrant up

Note midgar box is available for this environments:

  • centos7 => pandemonium/midgar-cts7
  • centos8 => pandemonium/midgar-cts
  • debian11 => pandemonium/midgar-deb
  • ubuntu2004 => pandemonium/midgar-ubt
  • mint1903 => pandemonium/midgar-mnt

If you want to access to the vm after 'up' use

vagrant ssh


Note I use Experimental Feature Flag. Please export VAGRANT_EXPERIMENTAL="dependency_provisioners" when you build, package or deploy the boxes.


If you want to build one of the boxes, you need to clone the git repository. Make sure you have the prerequisites installed.

git clone https://github.com/Pandemonium1986/vagrant-midgar.git ~/git/Pandemonium1986/vagrant-midgar
cd ~/git/Pandemonium1986/vagrant-midgar
vagrant up --provision-with shell-config,ansible-midgar,shell-vagrant,shell-cleanup

Or if you want to choose from the available boxes:

git clone https://github.com/Pandemonium1986/vagrant-midgar.git ~/git/Pandemonium1986/vagrant-midgar
cd ~/git/Pandemonium1986/vagrant-midgar
vagrant up --provision-with shell-config,ansible-midgar,shell-vagrant,shell-cleanup midgar[-cts7|-cts|-deb|-ubt|-mnt]

Note use vagrant up to simply run and provision the box

GitHub Action

GitHub action is used to build, test, package and deploy vagrant boxes.
The events that trigger the build, test, package is a opened or synchronize of a pull request.
The vagrant workflow performs the following steps

lint -> prepare -> build -> tests -> package -> upload artifact

See Actions tab for more details.



First, you have to build the boxes.
Second, you have to package the boxes:

cd ~/git/Pandemonium1986/vagrant-midgar
vagrant package --base midgar-[-cts7|-cts|-deb|-ubt|-mnt] --output ~/Documents/workspace/vagrant/vgt[-cts7|-cts|-deb|-ubt|-mnt] --info ./build/info.json

Finally you can deploy the box on the vagrant cloud

vagrant cloud publish \
        pandemonium/midgar-[-cts7|-cts|-deb|-ubt|-mnt] \
        X.Y.Z \
        virtualbox \
        ~/Documents/workspace/vagrant/vgt[-cts7|-cts|-deb|-ubt|-mnt] \
        --version-description "First release of the midgar-mnt box  
This is a manual release base on the [Vagrant Midgar 3.0.0](https://github.com/Pandemonium1986/vagrant-midgar/releases/tag/3.0.0) GitHub project" \
        --no-private \

GitHub Action

GitHub action is used to build, test, package and deploy vagrant boxes.
The only event that trigger the deployment is a publish of a release.
The vagrant workflow performs the following steps

download artifact -> login -> publish

See Actions tab for more details.


Note: Only available if you have cloned the repository.

If you want to provision the box at startup

vagrant up midgar[-cts7|-cts|-deb|-ubt|-mnt] --provision

If you want to provision the box after startup

vagrant provision midgar[-cts7|-cts|-deb|-ubt|-mnt]

Note there is two "never" provisionner shell (vagrant and cleanup).
Vagrant is responsible for injecting the unsecured ssh key from vagrant.
Cleanup cleans the distribution before packing it.
Use this two provisionner only if you want to build and package the box.

Built With


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.

Pre Committing

This repository use pre-commit to manage commit-msg, pre-commit and pre-push hooks (if necessary). Be sure to install them before any push.

cd MY_REPO && \
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg && \
pre-commit install --hook-type pre-push && \
pre-commit install

For more info see this cheatsheet

Also every commit MUST follow the conventional commits.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Intentional non-compliance

In the provisioner folder. The shell provisioner names these directories according to the OS name, whereas the ansible provisioner names these directories according to the boxes delivered. This is voluntary, the shell provisioner takes care of configuring a dedicated OS while the ansible provisioner configures a box. The OS version can change.

# Dotfiles installation
cd ~/git/Pandemonium1986/vagrant-dotfiles
export PATH="$HOME/.tmuxifier/bin:$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH"
pip install --upgrade --user ansible ansible-lint beautysh==4.1 gita httpie molecule openstacksdk pip pre-commit youtube-dl
~/.local/bin/ansible-playbook install.yml -c local -i "," -K

# Minikube quick and dirty starting
# https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/4350
# https://github.com/kubernetes/kubeadm/issues/193#issuecomment-330060848
sudo systemctl stop docker
sudo iptables --flush
sudo iptables -tnat --flush
sudo systemctl start docker
minikube config set driver docker
minikube start --driver=docker
kubectl get pods -n kube-system

# None driver
# sudo ufw disable
# sudo iptables -L
# free
# nproc
# sudo apt install conntrack
# sudo minikube config set driver none
# CHANGE_MINIKUBE_NONE_USER=true sudo -E minikube start --driver=none

# cts7 fix
sudo yum install libselinux-python3

# Dotfiles install cts7 & cts8
cd ~/git/Pandemonium1986/dotfiles
export PATH="$HOME/.tmuxifier/bin:$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH"
~/.local/bin/ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
~/.local/bin/ansible-playbook install.yml -c local -i "," -K

If you want to trigger the playbook mint locally

ansible-playbook mint.yml -i "localhost," -c local -K