
Primary LanguageJavaScript

The provided code is a Vue 3 application that utilizes the Three.js library for 3D rendering and animation. Here's a summary and explanation of the code:

  • The code imports various modules from Three.js, including the main Three.js library, modules for GUI, post-processing effects, shaders, loaders, and custom objects related to the 3D scene.
  • The code defines several variables to store references to the scene, camera, renderer, GUI, controls, and other objects used in the application.
  • There is a keypress event listener that adjusts the speed of the animation based on the key pressed. Pressing 'w' increases the speed, and pressing 's' decreases the speed.
  • The initThree function initializes the Three.js scene, camera, renderer, and other necessary components. It also sets up the GUI and loads textures and 3D models into the scene.
  • The checkLoad function checks if all the required 3D models have been loaded. If all models are loaded, it calls the Postprocessing function to set up post-processing effects and starts the animation loop.
  • The Postprocessing function creates an instance of EffectComposer and SSRPass for screen space reflections (SSR) post-processing effect. It also adds a gamma correction shader pass to enhance the visual output. The GUI is set up to control the SSR parameters.
  • The animate function is the main animation loop. It updates the position of the serial grid, and animates the road, block, and cloud objects. Finally, it renders the scene using the composer, which applies post-processing effects.
  • The onMounted hook is used to call the initThree function when the Vue component is mounted to the DOM.
  • The template section defines the HTML structure of the Vue component. It includes a canvas element for rendering the 3D scene and some text content.
  • The style section contains scoped CSS rules that apply only to the current Vue component.

Overall, this code sets up a 3D scene using Three.js, loads 3D models, and applies post-processing effects like screen space reflections (SSR) to enhance the visual output. It utilizes Vue 3 to create a reactive and interactive application.