
Documentation examples require Utilitary.

garretwilson opened this issue · 1 comments

The examples in the documentation seem to assume that Utilitary is being included as a dependency (e.g. com.karuslabs.utilitary.type.TypeMirrors is imported), but nothing in the documentation indicates that I should have added com.karuslabs:utilitary as a dependency. I'm left wondering why the code copied from the documentation doesn't compile, and then I have to do Maven searches to find out where to get those classes.

The documentation should be updated to indicate that Utilitary is required.


Thanks for the report, this definitely should be happening since we do shade Utilitary. My initial guess is that the plugin is misconfigured.

Seems like I accidentally included the <shadedArtifactAttached>true</shadedArtifactAttached> option which meant that the shaded jar wasn't being deployed. I'll release an update sometime today to fix this.