choppy frame when moving
Closed this issue · 7 comments
Seeing choppy frames every 15 secs. This happens when standing still or moving with just Altz-UI load. I have reinstalled WOW deleted my WTF and addons folder. Just loaded Altz-UI no other UI's installed or loaded. Have latest video drivers Nvidia 1080. I did load bug grab/stack it did not report any errors. This does not happen in the default game UI. This did not happen until 7.3.5 patch.
we're looking for this issue but need time.
ty for waiting.
altzui config > item > common > item level, try disable this
hmmm so you still get fps drop when using version 7.32b.
I confirm that I had the same issue (fps drop every x random seconds), spent one hour playing with WoW and addons settings before narrowing it down to AltZui.
After disabling
AltUi config > item > common > convenient item button
as stated by Urguk, I confirm it solved the issue for me too.
Best Regards,