
lake update failed

dannypsnl opened this issue · 2 comments

The output of command lake update

error: > git rev-parse --verify HEAD    # in directory ./lake-packages/Paperproof
error: stderr:
fatal: Needed a single revision
error: external command `git` exited with code 128
  1. Lean (version 4.1.0, commit a832f398b80a, Release)
  2. git version 2.42.0

Can't reproduce, both lake update Paperproof and just lake update run fine for me.

Could you describe the steps you took, did it happen during the #Installation process?

Does clearing your cache (lake clean; lake exe cache clean!) and reinstalling Paperproof help?

In the end, I solve this by

rm -rf lake-packages/Paperproof/

I'm not sure how it run into the problem, either.