
Player Heads with "profile" item component don't work properly

Ooogods opened this issue · 2 comments

Expected behavior

When you give yourself a player head with the item component "profile", it should give you the player head with the skin of the indicated component value and the texture should stick with the given player head.

Observed/Actual behavior

The texture is visible in the inventory at first. But whenever you interact with it (place it on the ground, throw the item etc.), some of the player heads lose its skin texture and convert to one of the default skin textures. The issue occurs in some skins but the texture sticks properly for the other ones. I observed that which skins are sticking is inconsistent across my two servers.

Steps/models to reproduce

  1. Use a give command to get a player head with a profile component (for ex. /give @p minecraft:player_head[minecraft:profile="test"])
  2. When you get the skull, the skin should be visible.
  3. Throw the item on the ground, or place it.
  4. The correct skin disappears and converts to one of the default skins.
  5. If it works properly, try with another skin name.

Plugin and Datapack List

No plugins.
No datapacks.

Paper version

This server is running Paper version 1.20.6-90-master@b149584 (2024-05-22T17:30:13Z) (Implementing API version 1.20.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
You are running the latest version


I also tested it on a spigot server if it's an important detail. It doesn't work properly on Spigot too but the problem is not exactly the same and it's highly inconsistent.

Cannot reproduce