./gradlew paperclipJar throws exceptions for forks
yannicklamprecht opened this issue · 2 comments
yannicklamprecht commented
When running ./gradlew paperclipJar the generateReobfMappings task called by paperclipJar logs the following FAILURE.
* What went wrong:
A problem was found with the configuration of task ':generateReobfMappings' (type 'GenerateReobfMappings').
- In plugin 'io.papermc.paperweight.patcher' type 'io.papermc.paperweight.tasks.GenerateReobfMappings' property 'spigotRecompiledClasses' doesn't have a configured value.
Reason: This property isn't marked as optional and no value has been configured.
Possible solutions:
1. Assign a value to 'spigotRecompiledClasses'.
2. Mark property 'spigotRecompiledClasses' as optional.
Paperweight version 1.2.0
Steps to reproduce:
./gradlew applyPatches
./gradlew paperclipJar
jpenilla commented
Is your upstream also using paperweight 1.2.0?
The value is configured from upstream data here.
edit: paperclipJar runs just fine using paperweight-examples
yannicklamprecht commented
Thank's for pointing it out. I was one upstream commit before 1.2.0 was added.