
Failed to apply dev bundles

ThrowerWay opened this issue · 9 comments

plugins {
id("io.papermc.paperweight.userdev") version "1.5.9-SNAPSHOT"

repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")
maven {
url = uri("")
maven {
url = uri("")

Could not determine the dependencies of task ':compileJava'.

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':compileClasspath'.
Failed to apply dev bundle patches. See the log file at 'C:\Users\Jape\Documents\TestProject.gradle\caches\paperweight\setupCache\patchedSourcesJar.log' for more details. Usually, the issue is with the dev bundle itself, and not the userdev project.

Patching: net/minecraft/world/entity/monster/piglin/
Hunk 0: EXACT: @@ -5,14 +5,6 @@
Hunk 1: EXACT: @@ -54,13 +46,33 @@
Hunk 2: EXACT: @@ -73,7 +85,11 @@
Hunk 3: EXACT: @@ -92,6 +108,14 @@
Hunk 4: FAILURE: @@ -100,6 +124,10 @@
Patch Summary:
Un-changed files: 2874
Changed files: 778
Missing files: 0

Failed matches: 1
Exact matches: 4966
Access matches: 0
Offset matches: 0
Fuzzy matches: 0
Overall Quality 99.98%

duplicate of #215
make sure you use the latest dev bundle, the userdev version doesnt matter
if you need help with that please join our discord #build-tooling-help

duplicate of #215 make sure you use the latest dev bundle, the userdev version doesnt matter if you need help with that please join our discord #build-tooling-help


i am, its not a duplicate its a re-opening of the issue

please test it for yourself

run with --refresh-dependencies you have an old dev bundle

run with --refresh-dependencies you have an old dev bundle

what is the full command? I dont see this option in intellij side bar

you would need to do it in a terminal or add it to a run task

i cant just type "--refresh-dependencies" in the terminal? I mean what is the root cmd

it's an argument you pass to gradle when running build, root command is going to be the gradle wrapper script, depending on whatever OS you're using

if you need help with that please join our discord #build-tooling-help