
Write more documentation

Opened this issue · 3 comments

astei commented

At minimum:

  • Cover all documentation the current documentation site has
  • Expand to cover new Velocity 1.1.0 features
  • Dramatically expand developer documentation
  • Deployment Guides
    • Multicraft
    • McMyAdmin / AMP
    • Pterodactyl
    • PufferPanel
    • Docker container
    • Security guide
    • Tuning guide
    • "Traditional" Linux VPS (tmux/screen)

When expanding documentation, I believe it'd be good to have a page dedicated specifically (or even a section) to forced hosts and how to set them up properly.

I'm happy to take on the VPS setup and Docker setup documentation, as in the past I've used mainly bare-metal server setups. Right now I'm running Velocity in a Docker container alongside many other servers, so I have knowledge with that as well.

Would it be correct to assume I should include steps on how to properly configure your server? I only have knowledge with Spigot and Paper, so I can include the classic offline mode setup and the modern Paper configuration as well.

Would it be correct to assume I should include steps on how to properly configure your server? I only have knowledge with Spigot and Paper, so I can include the classic offline mode setup and the modern Paper configuration as well.

Looking more into the docsite, I see you already have configuration handled :) I will link to these pages instead.