
I encountered a problem about rgb

3epochs opened this issue · 1 comments

hi, firstly, thanks for this fantastic repo!
In your code, when you use opencv to load image, you changed its color channel by [:,:,::-1], right?
when I run your code and use opencv' imwrite to save it, the output is just weird, I think its the channel's problem, Do I need to convert rgb back to bgr before I save my image?

and I have another issue and suggestion.
issue: In your RandomRotate() func in data_aug/
you cliped the bounding box( if remaining box area less than a value, discard this box, this is a terrific idea!), but in the mean time you resized the img. I think these two operation should not take place in one image, since if you resize img, the bounding box could never get out of (w, h) limitation. I tried about 100 pics, all pics that have been remove box actually have quite obvious object.

you can add some code to deal with the situation that bounding box is np.array([]),(there is no object in the img) to make your code more robust.

anyway, thanks for ur fantastic code.