
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I get this error when setting RandomScale to a large number like 0.5、0.8
transforms = Sequence([RandomHorizontalFlip(1), RandomScale((0.8,0.9), diff = True), RandomRotate(10)])

IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
34 transforms = Sequence([RandomHorizontalFlip(1), RandomScale((0.8,0.9), diff = True), RandomRotate(10)])
---> 36 img, bboxes = transforms(img, bboxes)
37 cv2.imwrite(os.path.join('JPEGImages2',file), img)
38 plt.imshow(draw_rect(img, bboxes))

~/card/DataAugmentationForObjectDetection/data_aug/ in call(self, images, bboxes)
854 if random.random() < prob:
--> 855 images, bboxes = augmentation(images, bboxes)
856 return images, bboxes

~/card/DataAugmentationForObjectDetection/data_aug/ in call(self, img, bboxes)
--> 458 corners[:,:8] = rotate_box(corners[:,:8], angle, cx, cy, h, w)
460 new_bbox = get_enclosing_box(corners)

~/card/DataAugmentationForObjectDetection/data_aug/ in rotate_box(corners, angle, cx, cy, h, w)
215 corners = corners.reshape(-1,2)
--> 216 corners = np.hstack((corners, np.ones((corners.shape[0],1), dtype = type(corners[0][0]))))
218 M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cx, cy), angle, 1.0)

IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0

Have the same issue. Anyone managed to solve?

Sequence([RandomHorizontalFlip(1), RandomScale((0.8,0.9), diff = True), RandomRotate(10)]) will do these three augmentation transformations one by one, so after RandomScale, maybe some of the bounding boxes have already been outside of the image, then for the input of RandomeRotate, the input box would be empty (or say size 0), then you will get this error. I suggest doing these augmentation transformations one by one, and check the output boxes after each transformation.