
Generated path type sometimes contains unnecessary paths

Papooch opened this issue · 0 comments

Currently, if the ClsStore interface contains a complex object, all possible nested paths are generated.

This causes some issues:

  1. It generates unnecessary paths for methods of arrays (push, fill, concat)
  2. It generates unnecessary paths for some complex user-defined types
  3. It completely breaks if the type recursively references itself

Issue 1 could be easily solved by adding any[] to the list of terminal types so array methods are not expanded.

Issue 2 is tricky, but could be probably solved by introducing a terminal "branded type" that would stop generating the paths beyond a certain point,


interface IRequestContext extends ClsStore {
  really: {
    complex: Terminal<{
      nested: {
        type: string

Issue 3 most likely cannot be automatically detected and can only be addressed by the solution from issue 2.

This should only generate the following type union: really | really.complex, ignoring whatever is inside the Terminal type.
