
I run "npm run dev", and visit localhost:2992, but only get a list of files

sunkant opened this issue · 9 comments

The project is great and very useful.

But when I download, npm install and npm run dev, I visit localhost: 2992 but I only get a page of a list of files.

Am I doing wrong? How can I see the page like in the demo?

Many thanks!

Hi @LukeQi. Nice to hear that.

Yes, my instructions miss some critical points. So thank you for your question.
I will update README accordingly.

localhost:2992 is a Webpack endpoint. You should not access this URL.

According to the Run section you need to run both $ npm run dev and $ npm run nodemon. Then (and this part is missing) you need to access backend endpoint.

Nodemon logs
2016-03-16 09:32:08 INFO Listening on port 3000

So access a localhost:3000 URL

Feel free to ask any additional questions in case you're stuck!

Hi @ivan-kleshnin ,

I made it work! Thank you for your explanation!

I do also think there too many "starters" but too few (if any) like this one!

No problem, you're welcome.

I should admit I'm far from being satisfied with what I've done here.
But I doubt it's possible to significantly improve it, keeping React in game.
Me and my wife tried two times and failed. See issues here if you're interested...

Still if you know (or have ideas) how to make something better – I'm always open to discussion.

As Redux becomes more and more popular, I am wondering if you could develop a version that is based on redux, which I think will make your project more popular, : )
Like the tools erikras/react-redux-universal-hot-example used.

As many have been familiar with the tools with Redux, there is a learning curve switching to the other tools (packages).
I want to say the designing of paging and filter is really great and I benefit a lot from it!

So if there is a version implemented with Redux and with more popular packages, I bet this project will be very popular, say I guess stared by a thousand, : p

I bet this project will be very popular, say I guess stared by a thousand

Maybe :) I never really attempted to promote this project.
Those texts were written for potential clients rather that devs.
It was meant to be a presentational project.

When I started this repo (half year ago) I had only few months of JS experience.
My key goals were 1) learn React 2) learn frontend 3) implement a cool architecture.
I kinda succeeded with first two and kinda failed with the third.
Redux was not available at that moment.

Now I could reimplement it with Redux but I believe CycleJS is much more interesting.
So, in short, I'm going to rewrite it in CycleJS rather than Redux.

In my opinion you can't get a pretty architecture with incomplete reactivity.
And React is a real obstacle here.

Paging is super complex topic. If you want to allow random page access (relocate from page 1 to page 10...) you need to allow "holes" in the pagination. And you're into much more complex architecture in the result. You can simplify a present arch. a bit by removing total (this is the update I'm going to publish soon). But it will be very complex still.

My conclusion: prefer "on-demand" prev / next kind of pagination or infinite scroll if you have a choice.
This deserves a separate article. But think how big sites like Facebook / Twitter almost never provide a pagination. Because all possible implementations suck on their data scale.

Yeah...I have coded for a long time but just have learnt JS, React and front-end development. I have been thinking for the implementation of pagination and did not realize until now that this issue is the main rock of a website, if we to design a good comments / pagination system. But tutorials seldom elaborate on this.

Right. It's striking how far it goes. There are many articles about UI / UX aspects of pagination options.
Like "if you have a few items go with pages, if you have many items go with infinite scroll...".
But I had found no information about state representation at that moment.
And probably nothing is still really published.