
Robust Intelligent Navigation

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Robust Intelligent Navigation System (project RINS)

I will like to start a discussion to add intelligent navigation based on Figma or Sketch prototype connections.

This will mainly improve flutter web development, and should not make mobile or full stack development more complex.

Big web app projects normally require more complex implementations of navigation systems. Flutter navigation is bad, but there are third party libraries that can do a good job (beamer, nuvigator). As primary web app developer I would like to explore the possibility to add a robust navigation library to my projects based on the design's prototype connections.

This feature should:

  • Be able to detect and create page routes based on url paths declared on the design software screens
  • Parse the declared URL paths and query parameters and build the logic for it in the codebase
  • Build the navigation logic for buttons that link to other pages or execute navigation functions (like: go back)

Would love feedback from the community here.

Sounds great. Are there any plans to implement this?

@Eradparvar not at the moment. We had some initial ideas but because you can’t really describe navigations stacks effectively in Figma, it’s really difficult to assume it. Do you have ideas?

I was thinking the same thing. If I think of anything I will reach out.