
Ignore Bad SSL certs

random-robbie opened this issue · 2 comments


Would it be possible to add in something to ignore bad SSL certs.

Example when you fire flask-unsign -u --server and the cert is only for the url you get errors.

adding the below to any file that uses requests and adding verify=False to any request should sort the issue out.

from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning

Keep up the good work!!

Sounds like something that's not too hard to add, I'll have to see when I have some free time but I'll try adding it later this week :)


Imlemented in version 1.0.0, enjoy! To upgrade:

$ pip install -U flask-unsign

PS: The wordlist should be updated every week now with fresh secrets from the interwebs, so be sure to update frequently :)