Straw change - Check for manurepit before filling straw
werries2 opened this issue · 1 comments
Thanks for the development on this mod (I spend some hours trying to create it myself based on the old code from Tunnelrat in animalworker as well as the old happyanimals script... but the game discriptions has changed to much for my limited experience with LUA scripting!)
I did note however in your script the note to enable or disable straw filling for the production of manure. Since the game (atleast the base game animal pens) now require you to have a manure pit extention to enable the production of manure from slurry, it may be good to have the script check the pressence of a manure pit extention before adding straw? If someone do not add the pit their intention is likely to not produce manure, and thus no slurry needed.
Thank you for your suggestion, I will take this into account!
I just committed some code to a development branch, that contains a Settings Dialog for the helper, which includes the setting to fill straw or not.
If I have the time, I will take a look into this and see if I can implement it; I think your suggestion is very good. The only problems are: 1. available time is limited and 2. my knowledge of LUA is also pretty limited, so I really have to look into this if I am able to implement this ;-)