[bulk upload] Big publisher wants to move the "tech" section videos to Paratii.
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IT or media guy there has to move part of the catalogue through our uploader. They have all files and metadata in their closed system.
Trigger: economic interest, reads about the player or has a commercial contact, directs an employee to look over this.
probably a more realistic flow is (a) publisher contacts paratii team and (b) paratii team writes an ad hocmigration tool for these custom data
- fetches all the data miraculously intelligently (or manually),
- mirrors the metadata on Paratii (miracle 2),
- or uploads a batch of files and a .csv with metadata?, creates playlists with the videos if needed, overlays a watermark (??), maybe define somethings in regard to recommendations (e.g. my embed will only bring recommendations from this accredited producers, and then checkbox a few suggestions or set own ones), gets custom embed code.
Probably verify domain (https://faq.dailymotion.com/hc/en-us/articles/115008958347-Verify-your-domains) at some point (for joining early ad partners program, maybe?).
This is an interesting case, but the "magic" part is pretty much undoable. If they have data in a "closed system", there will be no generic way (except using AI, but i have not seen that yet) to convert the data in a Paratii format.