
Conflicting parameters using parchment in 1.16 forge

noeppi-noeppi opened this issue · 1 comments

Minecraft version: 1.16.5
Mappings version: 2021.08.29
Librarian version: 1.1.4

In ITextProperties (FormattedText with mojmap) the method of(String, Style) contains an anonymous class where the parameter pStyle from the method in ITextProperties conflicts with a parameter from a method inside the anonymous class. This causes all style information including click and hover events to be missing from the chat ingame. This is becasue instead of the style from the formatted text being merged onto the base style, the base style is merged onto itself.

Fixed by ade265e. We'll look into fixing the root cause of this at a later point after more investigation, but for now this particular issue is fixed by removing the mapping.