
gtp4all and sql

gnosisd opened this issue · 10 comments

can gpt4all connect to an sql database which is local or within a network ? if so how cause i have been trying almost 3 days i just cant figure it out.for example i am trying this []( but with the sql function from here

using this script that i did with chatgpt `import sqlite3
from langchain.llms import GPT4All

Path to the GPT4All model

model_path = "C:/Users/AppData/Local/"

Path to the SQLite database

db_path = "C:/Users/gpt4allz/bin/db/Chinook.db"

Instantiate the model

model = GPT4All(model=model_path, n_ctx=512, n_threads=8)

Connect to the SQLite database

conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)

Create a cursor

cur = conn.cursor()

Generate a SQL query using the model

query = model("What are the names of all the albums in the database?")

Execute the generated query


Fetch all the rows

rows = cur.fetchall()

Print the rows

for row in rows:

Close the connection

`and i just cant make it work.any ideas of making something like this? meaning get the local installation of gtp4all with a local sql to get it to answer back or make directly query to the db? anyone i need some help here !!!

the gpt4all-ui uses a local sqlite3 database that you can find in the folder databases.
The api has a database component integrated into it:
You can check that code to find out how I did it.

It is technically possible to connect to a remote database.

and i cant still do it......i needs a better mind that mine !

Technically, you can reimplement the to connect to a remote database instead. Maybe if I have time I'll do it. My real problem is I have no time. And europ is not helping with their new Law that would literally oblige me to stop working on this tuff.
Fear and ignorance are the killers of the mind.

well i understand your also are short on time and work in eu as well,not to worry but this is not the case i dont think you can do it so straight forward you need to tweak a lot of things to make it work,hope you get some time and look at it cause this is a must have for ai stuff.

If you want to connect GPT4All to a remote database, you will need to change the db_path variable to the path of the remote database. You will also need to change the query variable to a SQL query that can be executed against the remote database.

Once you have made these changes, you should be able to connect GPT4All to the remote database and execute SQL queries against it

If I want to analyze data from CSV file or excel file then how can we do it using gpt4all please reply.

Suppose, let us assume, that there are 1 lakh rows and 5 columns. Then, select a representative sample from the whole dataset by reducing it to 1 thousand rows and 5 columns, and ask GPT to generate the piece of code to analyse the data.

If you want to connect GPT4All to a remote database, you will need to change the db_path variable to the path of the remote database. You will also need to change the query variable to a SQL query that can be executed against the remote database.

Once you have made these changes, you should be able to connect GPT4All to the remote database and execute SQL queries against it

can you please elaborate for a newbie

and i cant still do it......i needs a better mind that mine !

did you find a solution. if yes could you help me