
bwa, faidx command not found

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Based on Metapro tutorial while indexing ChocoPhlAn database for BWA and DIAMOND getting error bwa and faidx command not found.

what's the command you typed?
Sounds like the command is wrong, or docker/singularity wasn't installed correctly.
Not a MetaPro issue.

this is below command i have used
bwa index -a bwtsw - samtools faidx
i put chocophlan path as well.

You're not invoking any of the docker/singularity image. Metapro doesn't install these tools for you. We package it inside a container.

You need to use singularity/docker. Please take another look at our documentation, and perhaps the tutorial too.

Please also consult the documentation docker/singularity provide.

Can you please guide me how to invoke because I am new to docker. I followed each step in metapro tutorial.

This level of support is beyond my capacity to provide. I suggest that you contact a more senior bioinformatician at your institution or signup for the Canadian Bioinformatics workshop