
Blat doesn't look for correct extension

Closed this issue · 3 comments

    if mp_util.check_bypass_log(output_folder_path, GA_BLAT_label):
        marker_path_list = []
        for split_sample in os.listdir(os.path.join(GA_BWA_path, "final_results")):

... but the BWA files end witn .fna

this piece of code checks for the fastas generated after we put the BWA results through the post-processing script.
The BLAT step wouldn't be looking for .fna files. (Those are the genes we found with the reads, using BWA) BLAT is used to scan the leftover reads BWA didn't get to.

I suspect there's an issue with the bypass log skipping over a step.
At the end of BWA_pp, you're supposed to get 3 files per fastq chunk:
-> a gene_map.tsv
-> a mapped_genes.fna
-> a fasta of leftover reads not annotated by BWA (or they did but didn't pass quality control criteria)
In the latest feature, I attempted to merge the fastas together to reduce the number of files.

-> Try editing the bypass_log.txt and removing the line that says: "GA_BWA_pp" and run the pipe again

I did, same results.

There are files in
GA_BWA/data/2_bwa_pp/ (e.g. singletons_11_chocophlan_chunk_5.fasta)
And there are files like these in GA_BWA/final_results


There are many scripts with names like directly under GA_BWA
and their contents look like (I added linebreaks for clarity):

python3 /pipeline/Scripts/
echo bwa pp complete: singletons_45_chocophlan_chunk_9_bwa_pp |

Note that there are no references to fasta files in /mydata/testout/GA_BWA/final_results/ in the command, only to .fna and .tsv files.

If there's a cleanup function that's supposed to move them from GA_BWA/data/2_bwa_pp, it's not working.

Managed to recreate the problem.
Issue was with a if-clause that shouldn't have run with the new chocophlan. Created empty fastas, which caused segfaults in BLAT, but still kept running.

issue patched, but a more robust solution to check for failures is something to consider in V2