An arduino library to animate servos using classic keframe animations
tracks are arrays of servo angles
a routine is an bunch of tracks
int* track = new int[3]{0,90,0};
int* track2 = new int[3]{0,30,0};
int** tracks = new int*[5]{track,track2,track,track,track};
routines[0] = new Routine(tracks,3);
plays a routine from the list of routines called routines
p = new AnimationPlayer(5,3) //(5 servos, each playing a track of length 3)
routinees[0] = new Routine(tracks,3)// tracks from the previous example
p->Play(0,3000) // play routines[0] in 3 secs
if(p->isPlaying){ //is an animation running
p-> Update();
servos one through n are defined in an array called servos
servos[0] = Servo();
servos[0].attach(9); //attach to arduino pin 9
servos[4] = Servo();