
Group project for data management course.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Audience Connect

Audience Connect is a web application that allows presenters to connect with their audiences via live chat and polling.

It was made with ❤ by:

  • Albert Fung
  • Jason Runzer
  • Pat Smuk
  • Stuart Calverley

Setup Instructions

  1. Install:
    1. Node.js
    2. PostgreSQL
    3. Gulp via npm install gulp -g (after installing Node.js)
  2. Inside this project's directory, run npm install (npm is included with Node.js).
  3. Create a new database called audience_connect in PostgreSQL.
  4. Execute schema.sql on the database.
  5. Edit database_info.json so that the app has valid credentials for accessing the database.
  6. To run the app:
    1. In debug mode (live reloading, stack traces), run gulp and wait a few seconds for webpack to finish.
    2. In production mode (no live reloading, no stack traces), run gulp webpack and then either:
      1. NODE_ENV=production PORT=80 bin/www if you use Bash.
      2. cmd /C "set NODE_ENV=production && set PORT=80 && node ./bin/www" if you use Command Prompt.
  7. Open the app in your favorite web browser by going to (or in debug mode).


  • Our API backend is fully unit-tested! Run npm test to run the test suite.
  • After registering a new account you must manually set the full_name, student_id, and avatar fields in the users table and set verified to true before it can be used.
    • The avatar should be a 50x50 pixel Base64-encoded data URL.
    • You can use this online tool to convert an image; make sure to check the "Format as Data URL" box.
  • To make an account a "presenter" (full access) set the presenter field to true in the users table.