
IOS_Hamburger icon is not visible in latest News screen

Niniya173 opened this issue · 10 comments


  • Type of phone: Android
  • OS Version:11.2.6
  • Model: iPhone 5S


  1. open App
  2. Tap on main menu option
  3. open "Latest News "
  4. Screen displays content with few links

Expected Behavior
'Latest News' Screen should appear as expected

Actual Behavior
Hamburger icon is not visible in my screen

Please assign it to me

Thanks for looking into this @sparks2209 - Note that there is some confusion in the issue description with the phone type (android listed up top, but iPhone and iOS version numbers below), so be sure to test this with both the android and iPhone emulators. [It was also raised two weeks ago, so could possibly have already been fixed by unrelated work, so make sure you use the latest development branch for testing...]
If you have any questions just ask them in the #app_dev channel or PM me on slack.

Can you please add me to slack channel

PM'd on Slack!

Here is the analysis of this bug

iPhone 5s device width is of 320, in app in News.js file for Carousel we are specifying itemWidth as width * 0.85 , which is less than actual size. In this case itemWidth size is coming as 272 and icon is not visible on the screen.

PFA for reference
Screenshot 2020-05-15 at 10 52 05 AM

Screenshot 2020-05-15 at 10 51 38 AM

In order to fix this for devices whose width is less than 320, we need to specify itemWidth without ratio.If we do this we will not get the same design.

The web URL : is blank on iPhone 5s.

I tested this with Native iOS sample app with Webview and iOS 11 in simulator and it's not working in native iOS app also.

I tested app in simulator.

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 5s - 2020-05-15 at 19 10 31

The web url is not working in iOS Native app and even on safari simulator, i started looking into html page, i could see causing issue of menu icon not visible and js-reveal animation causing content to not display.

Changing to width = 100% fixed issue of menu is not visible.

For content removing js-reveal from div fixed issue for iPhone 5s.

--> line number 382
--> 432
--> 484
--> 588

Need to connect with Web developer to understand underlying functionality of js-reveal.

The same issue exist in android


Hi @sparks2209, I believe this is a separate issue (different from the hamburger icon bug) and is with the website, not the mobile app. I have reached out to Angelique W. Lee on Slack (website lead) to let her know of the issue and she said that you have already reached out to her and are working on the issue.

Bug is fixed in iPhone 5s, OS version - 11.2.6

@summetj With the latest update from Angelique W. Lee team, this issue is resolved, we can close this bug.