ITP20002 Discrete Mathematics, 2018 Fall
- Meeting:
🕐 Tue/Fri, 1PM-2:15PM🚪 NTH 313- Help hour:
🕘 Mon, 8PM-9PM🚪 OH 316 (a.k.a. Coding Space)
- Help hour:
- Instructor: Shin Hong
📧 - Teaching assistant: Hansol Choe
📧 - Class polices:
Course Objectives
This course aims to equip beginner level Computer Science students with fundamental mathematic principles in Computer Science. It aims to articulate students in how to read, write, and discuss scientific facts, how to count or enumerate things, and how to reason scientific facts with discrete structures such as sets, relations, permutations, graphs, trees. Students are expected to understand how the fundamental concepts are applied to solve computing problems in real world.
Learning Materials
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 7/E, Global Edition authored by K. H. Rosen.
You can find this book in Handong Book on campus. It is mandatory for each class participants to equip this main textbook: it will be assumed that each student has a textbook for doing homework, team projects, etc.
Online Channels
- Piazza for news and Q&A:
- Hisnet for online attendance check & homework submission
- This webpage for lecture note, resource for homework, etc.
Lecture Notes
- Course Overview (Aug 28)
- Chapter 1. Propositional Logic and Predicate Logic (Aug 31, Sep 4, Sep 11, Sep 14)
- Quiz 1 (Sep 14)
- Chapter 1. Inference Rules (Sep 18)
- Chapter 1. Proofs (Sep 21)
- Chapter 2. Set (Sep 28, Oct 2)
- Chapter 2. Function, Sequence, Cardinality (Oct 5, Oct 12)
- Chapter 3. Algorithm (Oct 16)
- Chapter 3. Halting Problem (Oct 16)
- Chapter 3. Asymptotic Computational Complexity (Oct 23)
- Midterm exam (Oct 26)
- Chapter 5. Mathematical Induction and Recursion (Oct 30, Nov 2, Nov 6)
- Chapter 6. Counting
- Chapter 9. Relation
- Chapter 7. Discrete Probability
- Final exam (Dec 12)
- Book Reading Assignment (optional)
- Programming Assignment 1. Solve Puzzles with Z3
- Assignment 2. Midterm Reload (by 1PM, Nov 2)
- Programming Assignment 2. Recursion and Fractals
- Tree factral example: tree.html
- Programming Assignment 3. Twitter network