
can't get it to work

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I downloaded the program and unzipped it into the correct file (at least I'm pretty sure it is according to what the wiki says) but when I try to activate it, it says that it needs to be placed in the stardew valley game folder.
For reference, I downloaded the Windows file and put it in the local files that you can access from Steam (if I'm not supposed to put it there I apologize for the stupid issue report).

Hi! Make sure you put the files directly inside the game folder, so StardewXnbHack.exe is in the same folder as Stardew Valley.exe. It won't work if you have a StardewXnbHack folder inside the game folder.

If that's what you have, can you post a screenshot of your game folder?

Screenshot (1)

sorry I was having issues taking a screenshot but this is where I've been putting the file

You'll need to move the files inside that StardewXhbHack-1.0.7-for-Windows folder up, so they're directly in the game folder.

it worked! wow now I feel dumb, Thanks for the help, and sorry if I bothered you.

Welcome! I'll look into detecting that case to show a more specific error in upcoming versions.