
len(AdvancedCollectible) is always 0, tokenId does not increment

jtf512 opened this issue · 4 comments

I thought I made a mistake modifying it to 0.8, but even with a fresh pull of the example code this is still the case. It happens in the video too @ 1:24:10

Same problem here. It also then always prints the token_id = 0 breed in the print function in

breed = get_breed(advanced_collectible.tokenIdToBreed(token_id))
print("Dog breed of tokenId {} is {}".format(token_id, breed))

I have feeling that this funtion does not properly work

token_id = advanced_collectible.requestIdToTokenId(requestId)


sender = advanced_collectible.requestIdToSender(requestId)

gives me the right sender address (=my address).

Can you send the full command you're running, the error you're getting, and the script you're running.

@Tomberino @PatrickAlphaC I am running into this issue as well, and I think this again has to do with the delayed response from the Chainlink nodes. When you call createCollectible that function updates the requestIdToSender mapping (which is why you are seeing this mapping work), but not the requestIdToTokenId mapping. That mapping is only updated after the fulfillRandomness callback is called by the Chainlink node.

So my question is, is there a way within brownie to wait or listen for an event? I suspect that you'd want to wait or listen for the Transfer event that is emitted from the _safeMint function so that you know the token has actually been minted before checking the requestIdToTokenId mapping. I believe this type of functionality should be implemented between line 16 and 17 in

I am happy to try and fix this and make a pull request if you could point me in the right direction! I can't seem to find an example of how to do this in brownie.

Yes, it's on my todo list to add a listen update to the examples here, I just haven't got around to it yet.

You can either:

  • Listen
  • wait longer

To solve