
Gas estimation failed: 'execution reverted'. This transaction will likely revert. If you wish to broadcast, you must set the gas limit manually

Daeamon opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello i have an issue with executing script with polygon-test network, but work correctly!
What is i doing wrong?


Mumbai isn't a testnet I bother trying to figure out what's going wrong anymore. Please use an ETH testnet, it's the exact same code.

Mumbai isn't a testnet I bother trying to figure out what's going wrong anymore. Please use an ETH testnet, it's the exact same code.

ETH has big fee. I see no reason to use this network. The polygon suits me better. And why did you decide that Mumbai is not a testnet? The first thing that comes out in Google on request is the test network polygon just Mumbai.

And the simple example work correct with mumbai testnet.

So you can test on a ETH testnet, but deploy to polygon mainnet. The testnet doesn't really matter since they are both EVM compatible.

Sorry, Mumbai is a testnet. It's just not a testnet that is fun to debug.

So you can test on an ETH testnet, but deploy to polygon mainnet. That way your fees stay cheap.

So you can test on an ETH testnet, but deploy to polygon mainnet. That way your fees stay cheap.

Ok, thanks I will try this solution.