
Small files structure example using a material modal window

josoroma-zz opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi hackers!

I was wondering if there is a small example of how to use a material modal window to add a item, for example, I am stuck in the following code because I really don't know how to create the files for the HomeAddController:

class HomeController {
  constructor($mdDialog) {

    this.mdDialog = $mdDialog; = 'home';

  getItems() {
    // ...

  addItem(event) {
      clickOutsideToClose: true,
      controller: 'HomeAddController',
      controllerAs: '$ctrl',
      focusOnOpen: false,
      targetEvent: event,
      templateUrl: './modal/home.add.html'

  $onInit() {

export default HomeController;

Thanks in advance!