
Abstract state with resolve

finleysg opened this issue · 1 comments

This is mostly a question: is this possible? I have several route configs that look like this:

        .state('event-reserve', {
            url: '/event-reserve/{id:int}',
            params: {
                id: 0,
                event: {},
                course: {},
                group: {}
            controller: function ($scope, members) {
                this.members = members;
            controllerAs: 'vm',
            template: '<eventreserve members="vm.members"></eventreserve>',
            resolve: {
                members: ['memberService', function(memberService) {
                    return memberService.getMembers();

If I were doing old-style 1.X angular, I would create an abstract event route and resolve my common objects there. Then the route above would be a child: event.reserve.

Has anyone used abstract routes with resolves using the NG6-starter? I can't picture how it would work given that there is no template associated with my abstract route.

So this turns out to work with the same wrapper workaround.

My parent module defines the abstract state:

let eventModule = angular.module('', [
    .config(($stateProvider) => {

            .state('event', {
                abstract: true,
                url: '/event/{id:int}',
                params: {
                    id: 0
                template: '<ui-view />',
                resolve: {
                    event: ['$stateParams', 'eventService', function($stateParams, eventService) {
                        return eventService.getEvent($;

Then my child gets the resolved data the same way as if the resolve was on it's own route config:

let eventDetailModule = angular.module('eventDetail', [
    .config(($stateProvider) => {

            .state('event.detail', {
                url: '/detail',
                controller: function ($scope, event) {
           = event;
                controllerAs: 'vm',
                template: '<eventdetail foo=""></eventdetail>'
    .component('eventdetail', eventDetailComponent);

I have foo defined as a binding on the component, and is resolved on my controller constructor.