
Build with watch mode

kuzyas opened this issue · 8 comments

Is there a way to build project for development with watch parameter?
Something like this: npm run build:dev --watch

fesor commented

Run npm start to starts browserify + webpack dev server, which provides you incremental builds of your application.

How can i specify output folder?
For example in angular2-webpack-starter I can do this by running npm run watch

fesor commented

NG6-starter doesn't provide you any dev builds. It only have webpack-dev-server which stores all build results in memory.

If you want, you can add custom script which starts webpack using different config (other than webpack.dist.config.js).

fesor commented

@kuzyas Could you provide more info about your usecase? Why do you need dev builds (why not just use webpack-dev-server)

I have api on Sharepoint server, when I am making http request from http://localhost:3000 to http://spserver:80/api it returns 401 Unauthorized error.

fesor commented

@kuzyas so you have problems with CORS on sharepoint server?

What you could do, is to use browsersync proxy to eliminate preflight requests on sharepoint server. Could this help?

Thanks, I have solved CORS problem earlier with proxy.
The real problem was with sharepoint authentication, which I've solved by changing server settings.

fesor commented

I leave this issue opened since there are real use cases when you can't change server settings. Will try to update webpack configs and run scripts asap.