
Inconsistent reconnect behavior on Safari vs Chrome

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I would like to point out an incoherent behavior with the reconnect functionality depending on the used browser.

The issue happen after instantiating the $webcoket([url], [options]).
This instruction will result in sending an HTTP GET request of the specified URL.
In our case, the back-end did not send a response at all. The request was pending during approximately 30 seconds; here is the incoherent behavior.

In Chrome, the request gets the status "200 OK" with an empty response after 30 seconds, whereas in Safari the request fail (no status, no response).
This will cause the service to reconnect every 30 seconds on the listed OS X and iOS environments bellow.

The issue happened on the following environment:

  • OS X 10.11.4, Safari 9.1 (11601.5.17.1)
  • iOS 9.3 & 9.4 on Safari

We fixed the issue by forcing an empty dumb response of the back-end.
This is not an urgent issue, nor a frequent scenario, but it would be nice if you could address it.

