
Failure on web client when using browserify + ws 1.1.0

fluggo opened this issue · 3 comments

I don't know what exactly the failure is; maybe it's because ws 1.1.0 doesn't include the client side anymore? Whatever the reason, trying to use angular-websocket 1.1.0 on the client side through browserify while ws 1.1.0 is installed on the server side doesn't work. Downgrading to angular-websocket 1.0.14 fixes it.

Same issue here, using webpack 1.13.1, seems like it will require ws anyway when require this module using webpack. Then lots of NodeJS module cannot resolve error occurred after require ws.

after digging in the generated code (dist), the require('ws') is no longer wrapped in a if block, that why module bundler try to require ws module.
I will try to see how can it could be fixed