
using ngWebSocketMock

lionelB opened this issue · 1 comments


I'm trying to use the ngWebSocketMock mock for test but it seems that
expectSenddoesn't work well.

expectConnect works fine once I added the afterEach verifyOutstanding

describe('connect', function(){
    it('should connect to a websocket', function() {
      var socket = $websocket('ws://websocket.url:443');

But I can't figure how use expectSend()

I fix an error here since _onMessageHandler is called with a MessageEvent

- this._onMessageHandler($websocketBackend.mockSend());
+ this._onMessageHandler({data: $websocketBackend.mockSend()});

Can you provide a working (passing/failing) test case example ?

after digging inside the mock library, I found that update that the problem come from here

- if (pending.message === msg.message) {
+ if (pending === msg) {

and this a my working / failin test case

    describe('publish', function() {
      var socket;
        $websocketBackend.expectSend( JSON.stringify({msg:'yolo'}) );
        socket = $websocket('ws://websocket.url:443');
        // Fake socket connection open
        socket.socket.readyState = 1;
      it('should publish data', function(){
        socket.send( JSON.stringify({msg:'yolo'}) );

Hope it helps
I will try to submit a PR for the mock library