
this file has a small mistake !

Xiahl1990 opened this issue · 2 comments


  selector: '[tooltip]',     | CSS Selector which triggers the decorator
  inputs: [                  | List which properties need to be bound
    'text: tooltip'          |  - DOM element tooltip property should be
  ],                         |    mapped to the directive text property.
  host: {                    | List which events need to be mapped.
    (mouseover): 'show()'    |  - Invoke the show() method every time
  }                          |    the mouseover event is fired.
})                           |
class Form {                 | Directive controller class, instantiated
                             | when CSS matches.
  text:string;               | text property on the Directive Controller.
  show(event) {              | Show method which implements the show action.
    console.log(this.text);  |

(mouseover): 'show()' should be '(mouseover)': 'show()'

@Xiahl1990 would you open a PR with the suggested fix?

Closed by 2295e40