
Possible new reactive component example

dinony opened this issue · 1 comments


Not an issue, but a proposal. I've published an angular component, which handles virtual scrolling, where I tried to use observables for the most parts of the component surface and inner implementation. I've also provided examples, which touch upon the topics:

  • Advanced rxjs usage (~20 operators, subscription, scheduling, hot/cold observables, creating custom observables, ...)
  • Using reactive forms
  • Using Angular material
  • Basic Angular library layout and design
  • AoT compilation
  • Tools: systemjs / rollup / gulp
  • Module formats: umd / fesm5 / fesm15

The lib and demos are up to date (Angular 4.1.0).

If you think it could be useful for people learning Angular, I'm happy to add it to this list.


Feel free to make a PR and add your lib to the list 👍