
Answers ?

hexadeciman opened this issue · 9 comments

It would be great to have a file with multiple possible answers to each question.

another great idea thanks

Can I make a pull request with some of my answers ? (I don't think they are all correct && complete)

yeah create an answers folder and a folder of the question (as a number for now) perhaps with your username. What do you suggest should be the format?

⦜ overben.js

you can keep it anonymous if you want until I figure out a system for people to submit their answers either by pull requests or online forms

I think having a directory called answers and markdown files for each question should suffice. Then link to the file from the question in the

Example: answer for question 1 would be contained in answers/

@gdi2290 just wondering if any progress was ever made on collecting answers for any of these questions? I know there is a gist linked for one of the questions...if not, i can definitely try to create a pr with some of my answers if they are acceptable.

can you create a pr and create another file with the answers

Sure, I'll start working on that today