
Arch Issue

Closed this issue · 4 comments

[mdinolfo@xithix bashscanner]$ ./patrolserver 
> Hi mdinolfo,
> at your service. 
> I'm starting...

/tmp/tmp.GZLB38FHPm: line 918: host: command not found
> Could not determine your hostname.
    Please enter the hostname of this server: xithix

/tmp/tmp.GZLB38FHPm: line 918: host: command not found
> Could not determine your hostname.
    Please enter the hostname of this server: 

The command hostname is present, and resolves to what I know my host as:

[mdinolfo@xithix bashscanner]$ hostname

We are checking into solution that won't need to install another package, but for now it should work if you install the dnsutils package.

I'm abandoning this issue.

@mdinolfo With a free package, you need a public available server. Only with a private package, you can have a internal hostname

Right. Not interested in an account.