
New pattern proposal: reveal/collapse elements

Opened this issue ยท 3 comments

The idea

I have a list of say tags of a document, but there are way too many, applying this pattern, given a data-reveal-amount number, that number of tags are shown, the others are hidden behind a button that reveals them ๐ŸŽ‰

Extra nice would be if elements are sorted given a data-reveal-key that is sortable within the elements of the list.

This way, if each tag has a relevance number, the most relevant could be sorted, so by automatically hiding the other elements, the most relevant tags would be shown.


Is there any pattern that provides this functionality? I could not find any, the sortable allows manual sorting, not automatic sorting, AFAIU

Are there guidelines on how to create a new pattern and submit it? ๐Ÿค”

thet commented

Hi, sounds like an interesting idea!

I could imagine to add automatic sorting as a feature to pat-sortable. But that would need to run through an internal specification process.

A related pattern to this idea is pat-collapsible - however, it does not support something like the reveal amount idea.
Instead of pat-collabpsible you can also use pat-toggle to toggle a class on an element.

In any case, you might be able to get what you want with pure CSS.
For example, if you toggle the .closed class on a div containing li elements:

.closed  li:nth-child[n+5] {
  display: none;

and then do a animation on the height of the div if you want.
Sorting in that case would have to be done server side.

If you decide to go for a Pattern:

The pattern template repo should get you quickly started.

Please don't read anything except "module federation" or "styleguide" from - this is still outdated.

@thet thanks! ๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿพ I will have a look and decide ๐Ÿ˜„

thet commented

@gforcada let me know if I can help bootstrapping a new pattern or getting this done