
A Patternslib pattern for Raptor editor (http://raptor-editor.com)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A Patternslib pattern for Raptor Editor

The image picker

This pat-raptor-imagepicker.js file registers an image picker plugin for Raptor.

This plugin uses the inject and modal patterns to render a image picker panel/modal, from which you can choose images to insert into the editor.

For an example of what the HTMl of this modal should look like, look at ./examples/panel-image-picker.html.


Property Values Default Type Description
toolbar-type standard, fixed, floating standard Mutually exclusive Toolbars may either float, be position statically above the editable content field (standard) or snap to the top of the viewport.
toolbar-external CSS selector - CSS selector CSS selector of the element to which the toolbar should be docked. The element will get wrapped in a <div> and the toolbar will be prepended inside that div.
buttons alignCenter, alignJustify, alignLeft, alignRight, cancel, classMenu, cleanBlock, clearFormatting, colorMenuBasic, dockToElement, dockToScreen, embed, floatLeft, floatNone, floatRight, fontFamilyMenu, guides, historyRedo, historyUndo, hrCreate, insertFile, languageMenu, linkCreate, linkRemove, listOrdered, listUnordered, logo, save, snippetMenu, specialCharacters, statistics, tableCreate, tableDeleteColumn, tableDeleteRow, tableInsertColumn, tableInsertRow, tagMenu, textBlockQuote, textBold, textItalic, textSizeDecrease, textSizeIncrease, textStrike, textSub, textSuper, textUnderline, viewSource alignCenter, alignJustify, alignLeft, alignRight, historyRedo, historyUndo, hrCreate, linkCreate, linkRemove, listOrdered, listUnordered, tableCreate, textBold, textItalic, textStrike, textUnderline Comma separated multi value
config {} JSON You can directly configure Raptor by passing in a JSON object here. These values will be passed directly to Raptor.