
Scrolling SVG images doesn't work

woky opened this issue · 2 comments

woky commented

For instance, on load of this URL
the following error is reported:

Error in response to storage.get: TypeError: Cannot read property 'setProperty' of undefined
    at Object.callback (chrome-extension://occjjkgifpmdgodlplnacmkejpdionan/data/AutoScroll.js:165:14)
    at chrome-extension://occjjkgifpmdgodlplnacmkejpdionan/data/AutoScroll.js:4:22

OTOH, scrolling PNG images seems to work just fine.

Pauan commented

Thanks for reporting this.

It seems that it's rather difficult to display HTML nodes inside of SVG.

So, I might not be able to fix this.

Pauan commented

I just released version 4.6 of AutoScroll, which adds in partial support for SVG.

It is now possible to scroll SVG documents.

However, the circular icon does not show up.

The reason is because SVG does not allow for positioning elements absolutely or in fixed position.