
Problem saving a model related to another model

bitliner opened this issue · 3 comments

I have a Product model and a Store model. Product has a hasOne relation that refers to Store
I create a Product instance, that has got 'store' attribute that has got resource_uri attribute.

But when i try to save the Product instance, i get the error:

venv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/", line 537, in get_prep_value\n return int(value)\n\nTypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'RelatedManager'\n"}

(i think that Django exptecs store_id as int, but it finds a RelatedManager )

The code of my simple app is here:
It has a index.html that display a simple Product instance, and it has a Save button that save to the db.
The backbone code is in webinf/templates/index.html, the tastypie and models are in src/DjangoBackboneRelational folder

I have found my problem, it isn't from backbone-tastypie but it is caused by a bad setting of backbone model

I cannot setting in a right way the backbone relational model.
For example (remembering that Product model has a hasOne relation to Store):

product.set({store: '/api/v1/store/1/' });

leaves undefined.

I can set attributes only like this:

product.set({store: {resource_uri: '/api/v1/store/1/'} });
but this throws exception : return int(value)\n\nTypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'RelatedManager'

Eh, it doesn't sound like this is an issue with Backbone-tastypie, or even Backbone-relational; rather, something's wrong in the Django app? Please post a jsfiddle if you want help on the javascript part.