Android Auto - Play/Pause button
shme14 opened this issue · 0 comments
This bug happens when playing over Android Auto.
When I hit the physical play/pause button in my truck, Voice pauses but continues to show the icon for "playing" rather then the paused icon.
Then when the button is pressed again the book continues to play but the icon still stays the same and the auto rewind feature does not kick in.
If I use the touch screen to press the play/pause icon everything functions as intended; including the auto rewind feature.
Other apps such as Spotify and Poweramp function as expected when I use the physical button.
Maybe it has to do with Ford sending a weird intent when using the physical play/pause button? Is there an easy way to see when what is being sent?
How to reproduce
Play an audio book while using android auto. Press the physical play/pause button.
Android Version
Android 14
Device Model
Pixel 6