ArgParser is a simple, single header-only C++17 library to parse command like input. Similar in functionality to tools like cargo, the Rust package manager. It started as a testing project and after some development I thought that someone could use this as well.
This library was tested on Windows (MSCV) and GNU/Linux (GCC, Clang), with additional checking on GNU/Linux with Valgrind
Example 1:
#include "arg_parser.hpp"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
psap::ArgParser parser{
psap::ParserConf{"project_name", 4, true, true, psap::ValueStyle::Both, psap::UnknownOptionPolicy::ReportRemove}};
[](const psap::ArgParser &parser, const psap::Command &cmd)
parser(parser[0]); // Print info text of remaining args
parser.command("help", "h")
.help("Shows help.")
//More commands to come
parser.parse(argv, argc);
Usage: project_name [Command] [Options]
help, h Shows help.
See 'project_name help <command>' for more information on a specific command.
Example 2:
psap::ArgParser parser{
psap::ParserConf{"project_name", 4, true, true, psap::ValueStyle::Both, psap::UnknownOptionPolicy::ReportRemove}};
[](const psap::ArgParser &parser, const psap::Command &cmd)
//Run action...
parser.command("run", "r")
.help("Runs something.")
.option(psap::make_value({"--target", "-t"}, "Select a Target."))
.option(psap::make_flag({"--debug", "-d"}, "Runs in debug."))
//More commands to come
parser.parse(argv, argc);
Documentation can be found in the wiki pages.
ArgParser has no other dependencies.
If you encounter any issues or have any questions about this project, don't hesitate to reach out to me. You can open an issue on GitHub.