
Compute and store real-time features for crypto trading using Bytwax (stream processing) and Hopsworks (Feature Store)

Primary LanguagePython

Compute and store real-time features for crypto trading with Python

Let's connect 🤗

Table of contents

  1. What is this repo about?
  2. How to run this code
  3. Wannna build real-world ML products?

What is this repo about?

This repository shows how to

  • fetch real-time trade data (aka raw data) from the Coinbase Websocket API
  • transform trade data into OHLC data (aka features) in real-time using Bytewax, and
  • store these features in a serverless Feature Store like Hopsworks.

This repository is a natural continuation of this previous project where we built a Streamlit app with real-time feature engineering, but lacked state persistence: after each re-load of the Streamlit app, we lost all features generated up to that point.

In this project we add state to our system through a a Feature Store. We use Hopsworks because

  • it is serverless, so we do not need to handle infrastructure
  • it has a very generous free tier, with up to 25GB of free storage.

How to run this code

  1. Create a Python virtual environment with the project dependencies with

    $ make init
  2. Set your Hopsworks project name and API key as environment variables by running the following script (to generate these head to hopsworks.ai, create a free account, create a project and generate an API key for free)

    $ . ./set_environment_variables.sh
  3. To run the feature pipeline locally

    $ make run
  4. To deploy the feature pipeline on an AWS EC2 instance you first need to have an AWS account and the aws-cli tool installed in your local system. Then run the following command to deploy your feature pipeline on an EC2 instance

    $ make deploy
  5. Feature pipeline logs are send to AWS CloudWatch. Run the following command to grab the URL where you can see the logs.

    $ make list
  6. To shutdown the feature pipeline on AWS and free resources run

    $ make delete

ℹ️ Implementation details

  • We use Bytewax as our stream-processing engine and the waxctl command line tool to deploy our dataflow to EC2.

  • If you want to deploy the pipeline to a Kubernetes cluster, you will need to adjust the arguments passed to waxctl in the Makefile. Check the documentation here to learn how.

Wannna build real-world ML products?

Check the Real-World ML Program, a hands-on, 3-hour course where you will learn how to design, build, deploy, and monitor complete ML products.