
A repo for testing docs

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A repo for testing docs

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A free and open-source email automation tool. Schedule, personalize and send!

Have you ever meticulously crafted a personalized email to a potential employer or business and waited eagerly for a response that never arrived? It's a common scenario, and the disappointment is palpable. Creating highly personalized emails is time-consuming and often doesn't yield the desired results. AtMailWin offers a workaround - the ability to create semi-personalized emails, schedule them send them in bulk to multiple recipients.

You can use the site at https://atmailwin.com


  • Create dynamic email templates.
  • Use variables, if statements in your email template.
  • Schedule email.
  • Schedule Follow-ups (follow-ups increases the chance of receiving response from recipient).
  • Specify follow up rule.
  • Use existing templates.

Note: Don't use this service to send marketing emails or spams. It can result in your email's being sent to spam or locked.

Read this article to make most out of this tool

This tool makes use if Jinja2 to render the emails, so any valid jinja syntax is acceptable

Example Usage


Feedback on AtMailWin


Hello {{name}},
Hope you are doing well. I am {{from_name}} reaching out to you to
inquire about your experience using this automation platform. It 
looks like your experience with us is {% if feedback == "positive" %} 
positive {% else %} negative {% endif %}. We would be grateful, if you 
could explain a little more about your feed back.

Output Hello Rob,

Hope you are doing well. I am Paul reaching out to you to inquire about your experience using this automation platform. It looks like your experience with us is positive . We would be grateful if you could explain a little more about your feedback.

Best regards, Paul

How it works?

  1. Configure a email id by clicking on email configuration link.
  2. Create a email template. Use Variables within enclosed brackets {{}} to personalize the email.
  3. Schedule the email, create followups.

Self hosting

If you want to self host it.

clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/PaulleDemon/Email-automation

Install python 3.8 or above

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

add a .env file inside the email_automation folder with the following







You must fill up the values required

You can create encryption key using the following python manage.py generate_encryption_key

To generate secret key use from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key then get_random_secret_key() in your python shell

Run database creation queries using

python manage.py migrate

now run the website using

python manage.py runserver