
NodeJS studying project of EPAM mentoring program

Primary LanguageTypeScript

EPAM Node mentoring program 2021


  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • TypeScript
  • Nodemon
  • Babel
  • ESLint
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sequelize
  • Winston
  • Joi
  • JsonWebToken
  • Cors

To start project, please, clone the repo, type in the terminal npm install and then run command npm start.

Project structure:

In the root directory there are main config files of the project:

  • tsconfig.json - config for TS compilier
  • README.md - project's documentation
  • .package.json - all the project's dependencies and commands
  • .gitignore - git exceptions
  • .eslint - code style config
  • client - directory for client-side code (view part for browsers)
  • server - directory for server-side code (endpoints, db connection and etc.)
  • node_modules - nodeJS library

server directory contains following:

  • app.ts - server root file where server starts
  • /controllers - endpoints functionality
  • /data-access - db intermediate
  • /db - db connection
  • /middlewares - app middle-wares which is using in the app.ts
  • /models - db models
  • /routes - all the project's endpoints here
  • /services - one of the layer of 3-layer-architecture
  • /types - server instances types

client directory contains following:

  • src - client code

Homework 2: In memory CRUD REST service with validationo

Endpoints created during this task:

  • /users (with GET method returns array of dummy users)
  • /users/:id (with GET method returns array of dummy user with param-id)
  • /users (with POST method creates new user in the array of dummy users)
  • /users/:id (with PUT method updates user in the array of dummy users)
  • _/suggest/users?limit={number}&loginSubstring={string} (with GET method returns array of logins matched with input value)

Homework 3: PostgreSQL and layered architecture

Added db directory with PostgreSQL connection via Sequelize. Added data-access directory with methods to manipulates directly to db. Added 3-layer architecture (data-access/services/controllers).

Hometask 4: Second entity and many-to-many relationships

Added new model UserGroup for through-table "user_groups".

Homework 5: Logging and error handling

Added Winston package for logging server errors. Added to every controller error log name, arguments which have been passed to the controller function, error message.

Homework 6: JWT authorization and CORS

Added new packages cors and jsonwebtoken and middle-ware for authentication. Implemented authentication with JWT. Added new login endpoint and auth middleware.

Homework 7: Unit tests

Added unit tests for users controller and groups controller. Added services layer in order to establish 3-layer architecture on the server (data-access/services/controllers).